JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), published a hypocritical, bigoted tirade describing his dream for Black America, reports The Huffington Post.
Known for his racist musings, the Tea Party darling’s list includes every single stereotypical talking point that the right wing has levied against the African-American community.
Read more from Joe Walsh’s My Own Dream for America:
In the build-up to this momentous occasion, many people have invoked King’s legacy to promote their own various causes. Yesterday, President Obama was asked by morning radio host Tom Joyner what King would think of Obamacare. The president quickly responded that King, “would like it.” While our commander-in-chief usurped King’s dream to selfishly promote his own legacy, our country’s race-baiter-in-chief, Rev. Al Sharpton is using this week to push back against the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling to strike down parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.While Walsh seems passionate about Black men not having children until they can afford to care for them, the former congressman is better known for being a deadbeat father than anything he accomplished during his one term as a U.S. representative.
Of all the commentators who have been asking whether King’s dream has been achieved, FOX News’ Juan Williams seems to be the only one with whom I agree. When asked by Chris Wallace if the dream has been fulfilled, Williams noted that there isn’t, “any question that [African Americans] have come along way,” before importantly pointing out that blacks have to address the problems that are created within their communities. “I think that if you look at the realities of today, you’ve got to talk about things like family breakdown,” Williams said. “You’ve got to talk about the fact that 70 percent of black children today are born out of wedlock. I think Dr. King would cry.”
I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school.
I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father.
I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men.
I have a dream that all young black men will say “no” to gangs and to drugs.
I have a dream that all black young people will graduate from high school.
I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job.
I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say “no” to young black men who want to have sex.
I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.
I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives.
I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.
During Walsh’s run for office, his Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth ran a pointed ad calling him out for the $117,00 in back child support that his ex-wife claimed he owed for the support of his son.
Walsh decried the ad as “dirty” at the time, but when his term was over, he petitioned a judge for a reduction in child support because he could no longer afford his already small payments because he was no longer employed.
With these facts in mind, he might want to rethink his dream to include his own child being taken care of first.
See Duckworth’s ad below: